Jamaica Blue Mountain 500g
This coffee is extremely well balanced in flavour, with an excellent body and a nice medium acidity.
Tones of chocolate appear in the complexity of the coffee which also exhibits a smooth yet bright acidity and almost a total lack of any bitterness. It is refined and mild with an extremely pleasant sweetness that verges on creamy.
Jamaica Blue Mountain "Grade 1" - Washed Arabica
Region. Salt Hill. Parish of St Andrew
Individual Q cupping score 82
Jamacian Blue Mountain coffee is one of the most expensive coffees in the world.
With the highest peak sitting at 7,402 feet, the Blue Mountain range spans 24 miles and borders the eastern parishes of Portland, St. Thomas, St. Mary, and St. Andrew to the south.
We small batch roast these bean and leads to a certain level of superior quality control that cannot be matched in larger batches.
A secondary benefit to small batch roasting is that it significantly reduces the amount of time between roasting and packaging coffee beans that are roasted the same day your order is shipped!
10 - 28 days after roast
Espresso: 20g Coffee, 40ml Water, 30s Extraction Time.
Espresso with Milk: 23g Coffee, 40ml Water, 30s Extraction Time, Milk to taste
Pour over or Filter: 17g Coffee per 250ml Water, 40g with 30s Blooming, 2min Brew time.
Flavour Profile: Bold taste with tones of Chocolate and Hazelnut.
Roast Profile: Medium.
Fresh is best when it comes to coffee – we recommend buying your coffee in smaller quantities, more frequently. Whole beans tend to go stale after about six weeks and this process is quicker for ground coffee. We ship coffee as whole beans by default, if you need your coffee ground, please let us know at the checkout.